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Colorado Property Tax Appeals, Part 2

Property taxes play a crucial role in supporting our local communities. The revenue generated from property taxes goes directly toward funding public schools, county governments, special districts, municipal governments, and junior colleges. It is important to note that all the revenue generated by property taxes stays within the county and does not fund any state services.

In Colorado, property taxes have been on the rise. This increase in property taxes has prompted many homeowners and property owners to better understand how these taxes are determined and where the revenue goes. 

The county assessor plays a vital role in the property tax system. Their main responsibility is to discover, list, classify, and value all properties within the county in compliance with state laws. By accurately assessing the value of properties, the assessor ensures that the tax burden is distributed fairly and equitably among all property owners.

However, taxpayers have the right to appeal their real property valuations. To initiate this process, you need to appeal your real property valuation with your county assessor. If you are not satisfied with the result of your appeal with the county assessor, you can appeal again to the County Board of Equalization.

Appealing your property tax assessment can be a complex process, and it is advisable to seek professional advice if you are unsure about the steps involved. Consulting with a lawyer or tax professional can provide valuable guidance and help you navigate the administrative remedies effectively. Remember, it is your right as a taxpayer to have your property assessed accurately, and the administrative remedies provide the framework to exercise that right. 

If you have questions about property tax appeals, please contact your Sherman & Howard attorney.


real estate, tax