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OSHA Inspections Rise to New Heights

On May 1, OSHA announced a new National Emphasis Program, focusing on identifying and reducing hazards that cause (or are likely to cause) serious injuries and fatalities from falls while working at heights. 

National Emphasis Programs provide employers with insight into OSHA's citation and inspection priorities. 

Although Region VIII (covering Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) previously issued a local emphasis program prioritizing fall protection in the construction industry, the National Emphasis Program is much broader (as it includes non-construction worksites) and contains a key difference: Compliance Safety and Health Officers are now authorized to initiate an inspection whenever they observe someone working at heights

This means OSHA may now initiate an inspection simply because a compliance officer spots someone working at height. 

Employers concerned about future inspections or who have already been visited by OSHA, should contact Sherman & Howard's Labor and Employment department for assistance.